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25 augustus 2006 voor het laatst geupdate.


4 oktober begint seizoen 3 van LOST en dat zullen we weten ook! ABC heeft alvast wat promo video's gelanceerd: promo 1 en promo 2. Ook hebben ze een mooie poster gefotosoept: klik hier voor de poster. Ik ben weer erg benieuwd! Blijf hier kijken voor alle updates!


Damn zeg! wát een cliffhanger weer op het eind van seizoen 2! Kom terug tegen september, want dan begint de eerste reeks van 7 afleveringen van seizoen 3!


niet klikken als je se02.ep17 (Lockdown) nog niet gezien hebt: maar n.a.v. die aflevering zijn een hoop mensen gaan puzzelen om de geheime kaart te ontcijferen. Wil je toch weten hoe anderen er over denken, klik dan hier!


Schrijver van Entertainment Weekly heeft een visie op de serie Lost; lees het hier! LET OP! SPOILERS!


Samenvattingen bijgewerkt tot aan aflevering 14 van seisoen 2: One of Them.


Samenvattingen bijgewerkt tot aan aflevering 9 van seisoen 2: What Kate Did.


Darren Aronofsky gaat een aflevering van Lost regiseren. Deze regiseur is bekend van o.a. de cultklassiekers Pi (Π) en Requim for a Dream. Bron: Cinematic Happenings Under Development (CHUD)

Onderstaande tekst bevat veel info over de serie, Ik probeer het onder te verdelen in algemene info en info welke wellicht bepaalde zaken kunnen verraden (spoilers). Verder lezen blijft op eigen risico; dus ga niet met glazen naar mij gooien ofzo als je hier iets leest wat je eigenlijk nog niet wilde weten!

Lost gaat over een 40-tal mensen die een vliegtuigramp/crash hebben overleefd en op een (zo lijkt het) onbewoond eiland terechtkomen. Dit klinkt misschien wat cliché maar dat is het totaal niet. Het verhaal zit vol geweven met verfijnde karakter-opbouwing, plotten, mysterieën en meer vreemde dingen. Niets is wat het lijkt, en alles kan met elkaar te maken hebben. Hoe verder de serie is, hoe meer je de karakters leert kennen. Het Eiland waar ze zich bevinden geeft zich niet makkelijk prijs!

Al vlug worden er een aantal karakters benadrukt welke eigenlijk de 'hoofdrolspelers' in het eerste seizoen van de serie zijn. Hieronder een korte introductie van deze personen.



Jack Shephard

Hij is een dokter. De enige dokter op het eiland. Hij helpt iedereen die ziek/zwak/gewond is, en wordt hierdoor min of meer de leider van de groep. Daarbij bezit hij enorm veel communicatieve vaardigheden waardoor hij met de meeste van de groep goed kan opschieten.


Kate Austen

De hottie van de serie volgens velen. Toch heeft ze wel een verleden. Ze is namelijk voortvluchtig. Ze reisde namelijk met een US Marshall toen het vliegtuig crashde. Ze heeft dus iets op d'r kerfstok!


Charlie Pace

Charlie is de bassist van een bekende band 'Drive Shaft'. Helaas zit/zat hij aan de drugs wat hem soms in een verwarde situatie brengt.


Hugo "Hurley" Reyes

Coolste dude uit de serie wat mij betreft. Bevriend met iedereen. Niet beroerd om te helpen. Totdat hij bloed ziet. Daar kan hij namelijk niet tegen. En dat breekt hem soms wel eens op. Een stopwoordje bij hem is: 'dude'.


Boone Carlyle

Hij is de broer van Shannon. Hij let erg veel op zijn zus. Hij was werkzaam als 'lifeguard' maar moest uiteindelijk zijn zus uit Australie ophalen. Hij, of zijn familie, is erg rijk.


Shannon Rutherford

Zij is de zus van Boone. Ze is een stereotype verwend kind. Te lui om te helpen, en enkel aan zichzelf denkend. Ze is er van overtuigd dat men snel gered zal worden.


Michael Dawson

Hij is de vader van Walt. Hij is naar Australie gekomen om de voogdijschap over Walt te krijgen. Hij heeft zijn zoon een aantal jaren niet meer gezien.


Walt Lloyd

Hij is de zoon van Michael. Walt is 9 jaar oud. Hij had een moeder, maar die is dood gegaan. Daarom reist hij nu met Michaeal. Hij heeft ook een hond: Vincent.


Sayid Jarrah

Hij is een voormalig lid van de Iraqi Republican Guard. Hij heeft gevochten in de Golf Oorlog. Hij is erg goed met electronica.


James "Sawyer" Ford

Hij is een temperament-volle 'Cajun' uit het zuiden van de VS. Niet op zijn mondje gevallen, en nooit bang voor niets en niemand. Verzamelt spullen van slachtoffers van de crash, en verhandeld deze. Hierdoor is hij niet echt geliefd.


John Locke

Hij is een mysterieuze man. Ontzettend goed op de hoogte van 'survival' technieken. Is niet echt spraakzaam.


Jin-Soo Kwon

Hij is een Koreaan. Praat totaal geen Engels, en houdt zich enkel bezig met zichzelf en zijn vrouw Sun. Hierdoor wordt het tweetal niet in de groep opgenomen..


Sun-Soo Kwon

Zij is ook een Koreaan, en de vrouw van Jin. Zoekt wel contact met de rest van de groep, maar dit wordt niet gewaardereerd door haar man.


Claire Littleton

Zij is een Australische vrouw die al acht maanden zwanger is. Is vrij rustig, en krijgt een goede band met Charlie.

Episode Guide

MOGELIJKE SPOILERS! Pas op, hieronder staan samenvattingen van álle afleveringen van seizoen 1. Heb je op welke reden dan ook seizoen 1 nog niet gezien; let dan op! want er staan zaken in welke dingen kunnen verraden. Samenvattingen zijn in het engels omdat ik deze rechtstreek van een fansite geplukt heb en weinig zin heb om het wiel opnieuw uit te vinden door zelf een samenvatting te schrijven. Links zie je de datum wanneer de aflevering uitgezonden is en wordt op Net5.

Episode 1

4 maart

Pilot (1 van 2): Out of the blackness he first thing Jack (Matthew Fox) senses is pain. Then burning sun. A Bamboo forest. Smoke. Screams. With a rush comes the horrible awareness that the plane he was on tore apart in mid-air and crashed on a Pacific island. From there it's a blur, as his doctor's instinct kicks in: people need his help. Stripped of everything, the 48 survivors scavenge what they can from the plane for their survival. Some panic. Some pin their hopes on rescue. A few find inner strength they never knew they had—like Kate (Evangeline Lilly) who, with no medical training, suddenly finds herself suturing the doctor's wounds. The band of friends, family, enemies and strangers must work together against the cruel weather and harsh terrain. But the intense howls of the mysterious creatures stalking the jungle fill them all with fear. Fortunately, thanks to the calm leadership of quick-thinking Jack and level-headed Kate, they have hope. But even heroes have secrets, as the survivors will come to learn.


Episode 2

11 maart

Pilot (2 van 2): The discovery of a transceiver among the plane's wreckage and the thought that rescue could be imminent temporarily raises the castaways' spirits. And the island's mysteries continue to baffle with the discovery of handcuffs, a gun and an animal that shouldn't be able to survive in a tropical climate.


Episode 3

18 maart

Tabula Rasa: Jack and Hurley discover an alarming secret about Kate, as the marshal's life hangs in the balance. Meanwhile Kate, Charlie, Sawyer, Sayid, Boone and Shannon ponder the island's mysteries they've uncovered and worry that telling the other survivors will cause panic, and Locke's befriending of Walt disturbs Michael.


Episode 4

25 maart

Walkabout: Survivors are jolted awake in the middle of the night when wild island beasts invade the beach encampment. Kate and Michael join the mysterious Locke on a hunt for food - and a shocking secret about Locke is revealed. Meanwhile, some survivors are horrified by Jack's plan for the dead bodies still scattered among the wreckage, and Jack sees someone in the jungle who might not have been on the plane. Also, Jack flashes back at 12 years old, to find himself on the playground in an altercation with a bully, who ultimately beats him up, and later learns a life lesson from his father.

Episode 5

1 april

White Rabbit: Jack is near delirious from lack of sleep and struggles to overcome the haunting events that brought him to Australia and, subsequently, to the island. Meanwhile, Boone gets caught in a treacherous riptide, the pregnant Claire's health takes a bad turn, and a thief may have stolen the last bottles of water.

Episode 6

8 april

House of the Rising Sun: Walt and the others are shocked when Michael is brutally beaten, but only the non-English-speaking Jin and Sun know the truth behind the attack. Meanwhile Kate, Jack, Sawyer and Sayid argue about where the survivors should camp -- on the beach, where they're more likely to be seen, or in a remote inland valley where fresh water abounds; and Locke discovers Charlie's secret.

Episode 7

15 april

The Moth: Charlie begins a painful journey of withdrawal from drugs, surprisingly aided by Locke, whose true motive for helping Charlie is a mystery. Meanwhile, survivors struggle to find and free Jack when he's buried alive in a cave collapse, and someone might be secretly thwarting Sayid, Kate, and Boone when they enact a plan to find the source of the French transmission.

Episode 8

22 april

Confidence man: When Shannon suffers an asthma attack, Jack and Sayid realize brutality might be the only way to convince Sawyer to relinquish the life-saving medicine he's hoarding. Meanwhile, Sun struggles to decide if she'll obey husband Jin's orders to stay out of others' affairs, and Kate uncovers some shocking secrets about Sawyer.

Episode 9

29 april

Solitary: Sayid's life is placed in grave danger after he stumbles upon the source of the mysterious French transmission. Meanwhile, Hurley has a ridiculous plan to make life on the island a little more civilized - and it just might work.

Episode 10

6 mei

Raised by Another: Jack, Kate and Charlie wonder if Claire's disturbing nightmares might be coming true to threaten her life and the life of her unborn child, and a missing castaway returns with frightening news about what lies just beyond the mountains.

Episode 11

13 mei

All the Best Cowboys Have Daddie Issues: Survivors wonder why Charlie and the pregnant Claire have been abducted - and by whom - and a search party ventures into the treacherous jungle to try to find and rescue the missing duo. Meanwhile, inner-demons about his father resurface for Jack, and Boone and Locke discover another island mystery.

Episode 12

20 mei

Whatever the Case May Be: Jack, Kate and Sawyer fight over possession of a newly discovered locked metal briefcase which might contain insights into Kate's mysterious past. Meanwhile, Sayid asks a reluctant Shannon to translate notes he took from the French woman, a rising tide threatens to engulf the fuselage and the entire beach encampment, and Rose and a grieving Charlie tentatively bond over Claire's baffling disappearance.

Episode 13

27 mei

Hearts and Minds: When Locke learns that Boone wants to tell their "secret" to Shannon, Shannon's life is placed in sudden peril, and the shocking truth about her past with Boone is revealed. Meanwhile, Kate is puzzled by Sun's mysterious behavior, and a hungry Hurley must repay a debt to Jin.

Episode 14

16 september

Special: Violence ensues and a mysterious island beast makes a re-appearance when Michael and Locke clash over Walt's upbringing. Meanwhile, Charlie is tempted to read the missing Claire's diary, and Sayid enlists Shannon to help decipher the French woman's map.

Episode 15

23 september

Homecoming: After the missing Claire returns with no recollection of what has happened since before the doomed flight of Oceanic 815, Jack and Locke formulate a plan of defense against her kidnapper, the mysterious Ethan, who threatens to kill off the other survivors unless Claire is returned to him.

Episode 16

30 september

Outlaws: Kate and Sawyer divulge dark secrets to each other while tracking a renegade boar that Sawyer swears is purposely harassing him. Meanwhile, Hurley and Sayid worry that Charlie is losing it after his brush with death, and a shocking, prior connection between Sawyer and Jack is revealed.

Episode 17

7 oktober

...In Translation: When the raft the survivors have been building mysteriously burns down, Michael is convinced that Jin is responsible for the sabotage, which only further escalates their rivalry. Meanwhile, Sun stuns her fellow survivors with a surprising revelation, and Boone gives Sayid a warning about Shannon.

Episode 18

14 oktober

Numbers: When Hurley becomes obsessed with the French woman and heads into the jungle to find her, Jack, Sayid and Charlie have no choice but to follow. Meanwhile, Locke asks Claire to help build a mysterious item.

Episode 19

21 oktober

Deus Ex Machina: Locke begins to suffer physical difficulties as he and Boone try to find a way into the hatch; Jack is reluctant to offer assistance when Sawyer begins to experience excruciating headaches.

Episode 20

28 oktober

Do No Harm: Claire goes into labor while a helpless Charlie goes into panic mode. Meanwhile Locke is missing, Jack tends to a wounded survivor and Sayid presents Shannon with a romantic surprise.

Episode 21



The Greater Good: After burying one of their own, tempers flare as the castaways' suspicions of each other grow -- and an unlikely survivor vows revenge. Meanwhile, Claire and Charlie struggle to calm her newborn.

Episode 22


Born to Run: Jack suspects foul play when Michael becomes violently ill while building the raft. Meanwhile a secret from Kate's past is revealed, the mysterious hatch is shown to a few of the survivors, and Walt gives Locke a warning.

Episode 23


Exodus (1 van 2): The French woman -- Rousseau -- shocks the survivors by showing up with a dire warning about "the others." Meanwhile, Michael and Jin ready the raft for sailing.

Episode 24


Exodus (2 van 2): The castaways who make it onto the raft are surprised at sea by something that unexpectedly happens -- they make their first contact with "others" out at sea, but meet disastrous results. Meanwhile, remaining islanders attempt to blow open the hatch that's in the forest. Another survivor on the island dies. Visiting French woman Danielle Rousseau becomes a threat to Claire's infant son as she decides to kidnap him and bring him into the woods for "the others" to have in order to save the rest. Lastly, flashbacks show us all the survivors in the moments before the doomed flight took off.

Sow! dat was een spannende afsluiter he! Nadat in Nederland de zomerstop er in geklapt werd, ben ik de afleveringen via Bittorrent gaan volgen. Nu loop ik gelijk met de Amerikaanse uitzendingen. In seizoen 2 hebben we weer enkele nieuwe karakters:


Ana-Lucia Cortez

Voor het boarden van vlucht 815, ontmoet Ana-Lucia Jack aan de bar op het vliegveld. Na een korte flirt scheidden hun wegen.


Mr. Eko

Deze mysterieuze sterke vent zat in het staartstuk samen met Ana-Lucia. Hij heeft een Afrikaans accent en is religieus onderlegt. Daarnaast is hij de 'spoorzoeker' van de mensen uit het staartstuk.



'Bewoner' van het luik. Jack herinnerd zich Desmond van een avond toen hij aan het rennen was in een stadion waar hij zijn voet omzwikte. Ze hebben een kort maar goed gesprek gehad toen.


Hieronder de samenvattingen van seizoen 2 voor zover uitgezonden. SPOILERS DUS!!!


Destination Lost: Narrated in a linear fashion and culminating from the pieces of the back stories told over multiple episodes in the series, "Destination Lost" focuses on the flashbacks of a core of characters -- illustrating who they were and what they were doing before the crash, and how the island has changed their lives, for better or worse. In addition, the island itself will be explored - culled from events that have taken place - which may reveal some of its secrets that might have been missed upon first viewing. samenvatting, niet in NL uitgezonden.

Episode 25 se02.ep01

Man of Science, Man of Faith: The second season starts where the survivors have left off with Jack, Locke and others going down the hatch and finding out what is under there. One of the castaways is chosen to descend into the mysterious hatch, and Shannon stumbles upon a shockingly familiar face in the jungle. The band of friends, family, enemies and strangers must continue to work together against the cruel weather and harsh terrain if they want to stay alive on the island. But, as they have discovered during their forty-plus days on the island, danger and mystery loom behind every corner, and those they thought could be trusted may turn against them. Even the most beloved heroes have secrets. Lastly, Jin, Michael and Sawyer survive their boat attack from "the others" while Walt is still missing out at sea.

Episode 26 se02.ep02

Adrift: With the abduction of Walt fresh on their minds, their raft destroyed, and Jin missing, Michael and Sawyer fight for their lives in the middle of nowhere in the ocean and discover a new predator in the roiling sea. Meanwhile on land, Locke must descend into the hatch when Kate goes missing inside. Also, Jack isn't too far behind Locke as he decides to go into the hatch as well later on. Laslty, flashbacks reveal more of Michael's troubled relationship with ex-lover Susan and their baby son Walt as they fight over custody for Walt and Michael must let go.

Episode 27 se02.ep03

Orientation: Jack, Locke and Kate learn more secrets about the hatch. Meanwhile, after being beaten and taken captive, Sawyer, Michael and Jin wonder if their captors are fellow survivors or the dreaded "Others." Flashbacks reveals more of Locke's past in this episode as well as the introduction of Helen (guest star Katey Segal) who shakes things up even more with her revealing personality and past.

Episode 28 se02.ep04

Everybody Hates Hugo: Hurley struggles with an assigned task inside the hatch as he flashbacks to disturbing memories in his life before the crash. Meanwhile, Sawyer, Michael and Jin learn the identities of their captors on the island. Claire uncovers a startling piece of information about the fate of the raft.
Episode 29 se02.ep05 ...And Found: Michael sets off into the jungle by himself determined to find Walt, but discovers that he is not alone. Meanwhile, Sawyer and Jin are ordered by their captors to take them to their camp, and Sun frantically searches for her missing wedding ring. In flashbacks this episode reveals more of Jin's life before ending up on the island. We meet Jin's former manager at the Grand Seoul Hotel, Mr. Kim, his beatnik best friend and one-time roomie, Tai Soo, and Jae Lee, an adversary of Jin's who has everything he does not, including a good education, charm and wealth. It all leads into why Jin is the way he is now.
Episode 30 se02.ep06 Abandoned (a.k.a. The Hunt): Sawyer's wound becomes life-threatening as he, Michael and Jin make their way through the interior of the island with the tail section survivors. Meanwhile, Shannon is once again haunted by visions of Walt. Also, Shannon's shocking past of her former marriage as well as her manipulation of people prior to the crash are revealed. Plus, there is the revelation on the death of Shannon's father who ended up in the hospital where Jack worked. Lastly, Charlie becomes jealous of Locke's interest in Claire.
Episode 31 se02.ep07 The Other 48 days: The harrowing first 48 days in the lives of the tail section survivors are revealed. Flashbacks reveal the point of view of Ana-Lucia, Mr. Eko, Bernard and Libby and other survivors as they landed on the other side of the island on the beach. As the days progress danger hits their camp as well when "The Others" start taking people against their will. The group moves inland, but unfortunately things become even worse when a member starts betraying the camp when it's revealed one was not on the flight.
Episode 32 se02.ep08 Collision (a.k.a.Old Habits) : Violence erupts when Ana Lucia and her group stumble upon Sayid and the other castaways on the island. Ana Lucia holds Sayid captive. Kate and Jack cars for Sawyer when Mr. Eko brings him back to the camp himself. Flashbacks reveal Ana Lucia's trouble life as a cop after suffering a fatal blow from a former suspect she trusted in a crime scene. Lastly, one-by-one the tallies reach the rest of the camp.
Episode 33 se02.ep09 What Kate did: As Kate's backstory continues, her original crime is revealed. She thinks something is haunting her through Sawyer. Locke and Eko make an interesting discovery about the film, and Michael has a mysterious encounter with the computer.
Episode 34 se02.ep10 The 23rd Psalm: This episode will shed more light on why Eko took a mysterious 40-day vow of silence, and possibly information on his stick. Also, Claire begins to lose faith in Charlie after Eko begins to question him about the Virgin Mary statue, and Kate gives the recovering Sawyer a much-needed haircut.
Episode 35 se02.ep11 The Hunting Party : Jack, Locke and Sawyer follow after a determined Michael after he heads into the jungle toward the dreaded "Others" in search of Walt. Meanwhile, Sun has a surprising reaction to Jin's desire to join the search party, and Hurley and Charlie commiserate over the age-old conundrum of "what women want."
Episode 36 se02.ep12 Fire + Water : When Charlie's vividly surreal dreams lead him to believe Claire's baby, Aaron, is in danger, Locke suspects Charlie may be using again. Meanwhile, Sawyer encourages Hurley to act on his attraction to Libby.
Episode 37 se02.ep13 the Long Con : Survivors fear that "The Others" may have returned when Sun is injured during a failed kidnapping attempt. Meanwhile, Sawyer is an amused but highly interested bystander when tension escalates between Jack, Locke, Kate and Ana Lucia.
Episode 38 se02.ep14 One of Them : After Sun getting injured, some of the survivors begin to think that one of the "other survivors" might be one of the others. When Rousseau leads Sayid to a mysterious captive in the jungle, he becomes determined to find out if he is one of the "Others.'' Meanwhile, Sawyer discovers Hurley's potentially devastating breech of the survivors' trust and blackmails him into helping track an elusive island creature that won't leave Sawyer alone
Episode 39 se02.ep15 Maternity Leave : A mysterious illness that baby Aaron suddenly contracts sends a desperate Claire, Kate and French woman Danielle to return to the same area where Claire was initially kidnapped. It is there where she beleives she can find a cure for Aaron's illness. In the meantime, Jack and Locke are doing their best to keep their prisoner a secret from the rest of the survivors on the island.
Episode 40 se02.ep16 the Whole Truth : Sun comes to the revelation that she might be pregnant. She struggles on whether to Jin about the situation at first as she feels it might upset the entire balance of the survivors' community. Meanwhile, with no success from Jack or Sayid, Ana-Lucia is called in by Locke to interrogate the new prisoner Henry Gale to get more information out of him about the balloon that he and his wife supposedly landed on the island with in the forest.
Episode 41 se02.ep17 Lockdown : When the hatch suddenly takes on a life of its own, Locke is forced to enlist the help of an unlikely ally to control the matter. Meanwhile, Ana Lucia, Sayid and Charlie go off into the jungle to find out the truth about Henry Gale and see if there really is balloon craft out there in the jungle that carried him and his wife to the island.
Episode 42 se02.ep18 Dave : Libby lends a helping hand to Hurley to support him when he begins to think the island is having a strange effect on him, and Locke's sense of purpose is shaken when the prisoner gives him new information about the hatch.
Episode 43 se02.ep19 S.O.S. : Rose is surprisingly and vehemently opposed to Bernard's plan to create an S.O.S. signal; romantic sparks are rekindled between Jack and Kate when they trek into the jungle to propose a "trade" with "The Others"; and Locke begins to question his faith in the island.
Episode 44 se02.ep20 Two for the road : After finding an exhausted Michael in the forest Jack and Kate bring him back to the main camp. When finally waking up, Michael has some new details about "The Others." Also, a lovestruck Hurley plans a date for Libby. Lastly, Ana-Lucia tries to break Henry more into confessing in all what he knows about "The Others" and the island.
Episode 45 se02.ep21 ? : Mr. Eko has dreams about his brother leading him somewhere. He seeks Locke's help in finding a secret location, the question mark "?", but both have a hard time getting along on the way there. Meanwhile, Jack and the other survivors grapple with the horrific situation in the hatch with the death of Ana-Lucia and Libby clinging to life. Lastly, Michael relishes into what he has done and keeps it a secret from the rest of the camp.
Episode 46 se02.ep22 Three minutes : A determined Michael convinces Jack and several castaways to help him rescue Walt from "The Others." With Jack away, Locke is left in charge of the hatch and must decide if he should believe Henry and not push the button, risking everyone's safety. Meanwhile, the events that happened to Michael after he left are finally revealed. Meanwhile, Charlie struggles with Eko's decision to discontinue building the church.
Epi47/48 se02.ep23/24 Live together, die alone (dubbele aflevering): After discovering something odd just offshore, Jack and Sayid come up with a plan to confront "The Others" and hopefully get Walt back. At the same time there will be an answer to the question of where Michael has been and resolution of him and Walt. Meanwhile, Eko and Locke come to blows as Locke makes a potentially cataclysmic decision regarding the "button" and the hatch. Lastly, Desmond returns and he sheds some more light on his experience on the island in the three years prior to when Locke came down into that hatch.